Santa in a Beetle Christmas Card
Santa in a Boat with Fairy Lights Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa in a Plane With Christmas Tree Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa in a Silver Cable Car Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa in a Triplane Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa in a White Plane Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa on Bike with Gift Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa on Tricycle with Tree and Watering Can Christmas Hanging Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa Walking Christmas Card
Santa with Tree and Presents Hanging Christmas Decoration from Shoeless Joe
Santa's Bus Christmas Card
Santa's Sleigh Christmas Card
Sarah Jane Brown Beehive with Undergrowth
Sarah Jane Brown Bicycle
Sarah Jane Brown Bicycle with Wire Tree
Sarah Jane Brown Bird in Tree
Sarah Jane Brown Cottage with Trees
Sarah Jane Brown Create Your World Cottage Sculpture
Sarah Jane Brown Detached House with Paper Trees
Sarah Jane Brown Double Fronted House with Paper Trees
Sarah Jane Brown High Flyer
Sarah Jane Brown House and Wire Tree Sculpture
Sarah Jane Brown Knitted Wire Christmas Tree
Sarah Jane Brown Knitted Wire Cow Sculpture
Sarah Jane Brown Knitted Wire Reindeer
Sarah Jane Brown Knitted Wire Standing Dog (Large)
Sarah Jane Brown Knitted Wire Standing Hound
Sarah Jane Brown Large Hoop Sculpture 'In the Garden'
Sarah Jane Brown Large Hoop Sculpture 'Out at Sea'
Sarah Jane Brown Lighthouse Sculpture